- Registration of containers must be received 48hrs prior to vessel arrival to ensure we can secure bookings with the Stevedores; Failure to provide sufficient notice may result in container storages being incurred at the wharf.
- If a container has a wharf booking and is not collected due to delays that are outside the control of Landside Freight Services, wharf storage and missed booking fees will be for the clients account. Landside Freight Services will take all reasonable measures to assist on a best endeavours basis in such circumstances;
- In the event of a delivery delay caused by congestion and the delivery of a container is to be re-scheduled for the following day/days, we will not accept any liability for container demurrage incurred to the container, yard storage charges will apply if the container is unable to be scheduled for the following day;
- When empty container depots exceeding their operating capacity this often results in containers not being de-hired within the time frame supplied by the shipping agent. This, can result in container demurrage. Landside Freight Services as the carrier will not be liable for these charges as we are not in a position to control or influence them. The best course of action remains for the clients and their agents to negotiate with the shipping companies directly at the time.
- Empty containers destined for Patrick’s Stevedores dictated by your shipping agent, will require a VBS wharf booking. If we are unable to secure a booking, container could result in container demurrage and we will not accept the liability for the charges;
- Demurrage claims will only be accepted reviewed if they are received within a three month notification window from the first date of the event. All claims outside this period will become void.
- Demurrage/Storage Containers incur demurrage costs from the relevant shipping company once free days are expired after container is discharged from the vessel. Landside Freight Services Pty Ltd will not accept demurrage charges due to the late return of containers to the dehire container depot unless we received 3 full working days notice. (example: Notice at 3pm Friday, Landside Freight Services’ responsibility begins the Thursday morning). Notification must be via Email on the notification sheet provided. Please refer to your shipping agent regarding free time for containers and conditions once discharged from vessel and the possible immense costs that may be incurred. Storage is incurred at the wharf once 3 days have expired including first day of availability. Storage charges due to the late documentation or any delay out of Landside Freight Services direct control are at client’s expense.
- CONTAINER DEMURRAGE Empty container demurrage charges are incurred due to the late return of containers to the nominated container dehire depot. Normally between 7 to 10 days from discharge ex vessel. Charges are incurred directly from the shipping line and charges are incurred for all days including weekends and public holidays. Landside Freight Services has no control or influence over the terms provided by the shipping companies. Please contact your shipping agent or shipping line as these times can vary greatly.
- Our trading terms are nett cash within 7 days from date of statement. Further, if for any reason (e.g. a change in the physical characteristics of the consignment) your service requirements vary, we reserve the right to negotiate the rates or to withdraw from the agreement. Landside Freight Services Pty Ltd may charge freight by weight, measurement or value and may at any time re-weigh, re-value or re-measure and charge proportional additional freight accordingly. All prices presented in these documents and future quotes regarding services provided by Landside Freight Services Pty Ltd are exclusive of GST. The GST component shall be shown separately upon each invoice.
- Futile Delivery If a consignment is refused at point of delivery and/or at loading point and is beyond our control, as per your rate schedule a futile delivery/trip charge may be imposed at our discretion. This charge has been forced upon us due to not being able to bear the unnecessary costs of which we cannot administer.
- Special Arrangements After hours, or on Saturday mornings, weekends or public holidays, pick-ups / deliveries are available by prior arrangement and quotation rates do not apply. Price on application only.
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- The Customer’s attention is drawn to these conditions which exclude or limit the Company’s liability and may require the customer to indemnify the Company in certain circumstances.
- The Customer shall purchase and the Company shall provide the Services, on and subject to these conditions, which, together with the terms and conditions of any Transport Document issued by the Company or Carrier for Services supplied to the Customer, shall govern the contract for the provision of the Services by the Company to the Customer (“the Contract”) to the exclusion of any other terms and conditions. To the extent of any inconsistency between these conditions and the terms and conditions of a Transport Document these conditions prevail.
- Definitions: “Action” means any claim, action, suit, proceeding or demand. “Business Day” means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in Western Australia; “Carrier” means the carrier engaged to carry the Goods and includes warehousemen. “Company” means Landside Freight Services Pty Ltd (ABN 38 168 106 910) and includes its officers, servants, agents and sub-contractors and, where the context permits, its related bodies corporate. “Consequential Loss” means loss of profit, loss of revenue, loss of production, loss of market, business interruption, loss of use, loss of contract, damage to commercial reputation or any similar, indirect or consequential loss or damage. “Container” means any container, trailer, transportable tank, flat, pallet or other packaging or article used to carry, consolidate, store or package the Goods. “Customer” means the person using the Services and includes its officers, servants, agents and sub-contractors. “Dangerous Goods” means Goods which are in fact or at law noxious dangerous, hazardous, explosive, radioactive, inflammable or capable by their nature of causing damage or injury to their Container, other goods or to any person, animal or property. “Force Majeure” means a circumstance beyond the reasonable control of the Parties which results in a Party being unable to observe or perform on time an obligation under the Contract, such circumstances including without limitation, acts of God, lightning strikes, earthquakes, floods, droughts, storms, tempests, mud slides, washaways, explosions, fires and any natural disaster, acts of war, acts of public enemies, terrorism, rights, civil commotion, malicious damage, sabotage and revolution. “Goods” means the whole and any part of the chattels, articles and things tendered under the Contract by the Customer and include the Container of the Goods. “Law” means any statute, ordinance, regulation, by-law, rule, regulation, term, condition or requirement of any government department or authority or of any non-government entity. “Loss” means any loss, damage, expense or liability, whether direct or indirect, and includes Consequential Loss. “Ordinary Business Hours” means between 8:00am and 5:00pm on a Business Day. “Party” means a party to the Contract. “Person” includes a corporation, trust or unincorporated body or entity. “Services” means all services supplied by the Company to the Customer (whether gratuitously or not) and includes but is not limited to any advice or information, carriage, storage, lifting, packing, warehousing, handling, installation, removal, assembly erection or insurance of the Goods and arranging provision of these Services by a third party. “Transport Document” means any house or Carrier air waybill, bill of lading, warehouse receipt, consignment note or other document issued by the Company or a third party providing Services in respect of the Goods.
- The Company is not a common carrier and accepts no liability as such. All Goods are carried and all storage or other Services are performed by the Company subject only to the written terms and conditions of the Contract and the Company reserves the right at its discretion to refuse the carriage or transport of any goods. Whenever the Company is instructed to provide or arrange Services it shall be authorised to entrust the Goods or arrangements to third parties subject to such parties’ contractual terms and conditions. The Customer shall be bound by such terms and conditions, and shall release the Company from and indemnify the Company against any Action or Loss arising out or in any way connected with their acceptance.
- By using the Services the Customer: (a) accepts these conditions; (b) expressly warrants that it is either the owner or the authorised agent of the owner(s) of the Goods; and (c) expressly warrants that it is authorised to accept these conditions on behalf of its principal (if any).
- Subject to express instructions in writing given by the Customer and accepted by the Company, the Company reserves the right to determine, in its absolute discretion, the means, route and procedure to be followed in the handling and transportation of the Goods. If the Customer instructs the Company to use a particular method of carriage whether by road, rail, sea or air, the Company will give priority to the method designated but if that method cannot conveniently be adopted by the Company (in the Company’s sole judgment) the Customer shall be deemed to have authorised the Company to carry or have the Goods carried by another method or methods.
- All Goods to be carried shall be subject and liable to any Law which may be imposed by a highway, port, harbour, dock, railway, shipping, airway or any public authority or government department or office and any additional expense or charge arising out of such Law shall be paid by the Customer.
- The Company is entitled to retain and be paid all brokerages, commissions, allowances and other remunerations retained by or paid to shipping and forwarding agents and/or insurance brokers.
- Quotations are given on the basis of immediate acceptance and subject to the right of withdrawal before acceptance and revision after acceptance. If any changes occur in the rates of customs duty, freight, insurance premiums or other charges applicable to the goods, quotations and charges shall be subject to revision accordingly whether with or without notice.
- The quantity, description of an specification of the Services shall be those set out in the Company’s quotation (if accepted by the Customer) or the Customer’s purchase order (if accepted by the Company).
- No purchase order which has been accepted by the Company may be cancelled by the Customer except with the agreement in writing of the Company and on terms that the Customer shall indemnify the Company in full against all Loss (including loss of profit) incurred by the Company as a result of the cancellation.
- The price for the provision of the Services shall be that expressed in the Company’s quotation and schedule of rates, plus any additional charges payable by the Customer in accordance with these conditions.
- Unless otherwise agreed by the parties in writing, payment must be made within 7 days from date of invoice.
- If any payment to be made by the Customer to the Company is overdue, interest shall be payable at the monthly rate of two (2) percent, calculated and compounded daily, until the amount due is paid in full.
- The Company may charge freight by weight, measurement or value and may at any time re-weigh, re-value or re-measure and charge proportional additional freight accordingly.
- All prices presented in documents and quotations regarding the provision of the Services by the Company are exclusive of GST unless specified. If GST is payable in connection with the provision of the Services under the Contract, the Customer must pay to the Company the amount of GST payable in respect of that supply. The GST component shall be shown separately upon each invoice.
- (a) The Company is authorised to deliver the Goods at the address given to the Company by the Customer for that purpose and it is expressly agreed that the Company shall be taken to have delivered the Goods in accordance with the Contract if, at that address, a receipt or signed delivery docket for the Goods is given to the Company.
(b) If the nominated place of delivery is unattended or if any delivery cannot otherwise be effected by the Company, the Company may at its option deposit the Goods at that place which shall be deemed to be delivery for the purposes of the Contract, or store the Goods and if the Goods are stored the Customer shall pay the Company’s fees and charges for storage and for re-delivery.
(c) If a consignment is refused at point of delivery and/or at loading point and is beyond the Company’s control, a futile delivery/trip charge may be imposed at the Company’s discretion.
(d) The Company may charge an additional fee in respect of any delay in excess of 30 minutes in loading or unloading of the Goods not caused or contributed to by the Company.
(e) Where Goods are accepted for forwarding by rail to an address in a town or place where the Company has no receiving depot the Goods shall be deemed to have been delivered in accordance with this Contract if they are delivered to the nearest railhead. - The Company’s schedule of rates do not apply to Services provided outside of Ordinary Business Hours. Services at those times will be provided by prior arrangement with price on application only.
- The Company may open any container or other packaging in which the Goods are housed to inspect the Goods where that is reasonably necessary to determine their nature or condition or to determine their ownership or destination where any consignment note or other identifying document or mark is lost, damaged or destroyed, without prior notice to the Customer.
- Carriers charge demurrage for containers discharged from the vessel and retained for a period in excess of a certain number of days. The Customer is encouraged to contact the carrier regarding free time for containers and conditions once discharged from vessel and the demurrage charges that may be imposed. .The Company requires no less than 3 Business Days notice to arrange the dehire of containers. The Customer shall be liable to pay all demurrage charges due to the late return of containers to the dehire container depot.
- The Customer warrants that all descriptions, values and other particulars of the Goods furnished to the Company for customs, consular and other purposes are accurate and complete and shall release the Company from and indemnify the Company against any Loss arising out of or in any way connected with: (a) any inaccuracy or omission, even if such inaccuracy or omission is not due to any negligence on the part of the Customer, or the sender, owner or consignee of the Goods; and (b) any Loss arising out of or in any way connected with marks, weight, numbers brands, contents, quality or description of the Goods.
- The Customer shall comply with the requirements of any applicable law relating to the description, nature, condition and packaging of the Goods and shall pay to the Company the expenses and charges of the Company in complying with the provisions of any such law or with any order or requirement thereunder or with the requirement of any harbour, dock, airport, railway, shipping, customs, warehouse or other authority or corporation The Customer shall provide to the Company all such assistance, information and documents as may be necessary to enable the Company to comply with such laws, orders or requirements.
- The Customer and the senders, owners and consignees of the Goods shall be jointly and severally liable for any duty, tax, impost, or outlays of whatsoever nature levied by the authorities at any port or place for or in connection with the goods and for any payments, fines, expenses, loss or damage incurred or sustained by the Company arising out of or in connection therewith.
- The Company shall not arrange for the Goods to be insured, unless the Customer expressly instructs the Company in writing to do so. All insurances arranged by the Company will be subjected to the usual exceptions and conditions of the policies of the insurance or underwriters accepting the risk. The Company shall not be under any obligation to effect a separate insurance on each consignment but may declare it on any open or general policy. Should the insurers dispute their liability for any reason the Customer shall have recourse against the insurers only and the Company shall not be under any responsibility or liability in relation thereto, notwithstanding that the premium upon the policy may not be at the same rate as that charged by the Company or paid to the Company by its customer.
- The Company shall not under any circumstances be liable for Loss arising out of or in connection with any quotation, representation or information, whether oral or in writing, howsoever, wheresoever or to whomsoever made or given by or on behalf of the Company as to the classification of or the liability for an amount, scale, or rate of customs duty excise duty or other impost or tax applicable to any goods or property whatsoever. The Company does not accept responsibility in relation to any decision made or action taken or liability incurred on the basis of any such quotation, statement, representation or information.
- The Company shall not under any circumstances be liable for Loss caused by fire, water, explosion or theft , whether due to the negligence of the Company or otherwise.
- The Company shall not be liable for Loss arising out of or in connection with loss of or damage to the Goods unless: (a) such defect, loss or damage occurs whilst the Goods are in the actual custody and control of the Company; (b) such defect, loss or damage is due to the wilful negligence of the Company; and (c) the Customer gives the Company notice of the existence of and nature of the defect, loss or damage within 7 days of the Customer becoming aware of the defect, loss or damage.
- The Company shall be discharged from all liability in respect of the provision of the Services or any defect in, loss of or damage to the Goods unless suit is filed and served on the Company within 9 months after completion of the Services, delivery of the Goods or the date when the Goods should have been delivered, whichever is the shorter.
- To the maximum extent permitted by law:
(a) all terms and warranties expressed or implied by any legislation, the common law, equity, trade, custom or usage or otherwise in relation to the Services or the Contract are expressly excluded;
(b) subject to clause 24 of these conditions, the Company is not liable in any way for any Loss arising out of or in any connected with the Company’s negligence or any fundamental breach of the Contract;
(c) subject to clause 24 of these conditions and without limiting the generality of (b) in this clause, the Company is not liable in respect of any Loss arising out of or in connection with the provision of the Services including, without limitation, any Loss suffered by third parties, including the Customer’s customers or any person who has any interest in the Goods; and
(d) the Customer agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified the Company from and against all Actions and Losses arising out of or in connection with the provision of the Services. - To the extent that any legislation or law implies any term or warranty or prohibits provisions in the Contract excluding or modifying the application of, exercise of or liability under that term or warranty, the liability of the Company for breach of that term or warranty is limited, at the discretion of the Company, to: (a) in respect of the Goods: (i) the replacement of the Goods or the supply of equivalent goods; (ii) the repair of the Goods; (iii) the payment of the cost of replacing the Goods or of acquiring equivalent goods; or (iv) the payment of the cost of having the Goods repaired; or (b) in respect of the Services: (i) the supply of the Services again; or (ii) the payment of the cost of having the Services supplied again.
- The Company shall not in any circumstances be liable for Loss arising out of or in connection with the loss or fall of market or attributable to delay in forwarding or in transit or failure (not amounting to wilful negligence) to carry out the instructions given to it.
- Goods shall be deemed to be in transit notwithstanding that the carriage of the Goods may have been interrupted or the Company may have diverted from the usual route for such carriage.
- The Company shall not in any circumstances be liable for liquidated damages or costs arising from any delay in delivery of cargo or consignment, whether or not connected to the Customer’s project.
- To the extent that the Company is held to be liable to the Customer for a monetary amount in respect of any Action or Loss arising out of or in connection with the Contract or the provision of the Services, the Company’s liability to the Customer shall in every case be limited to the sum of $20.00 in respect of all the goods entrusted to its care in any one consignment whether or not there has been any declaration of value of the goods or of any of them by the Consignor for the purpose of carriage or otherwise.
- In the case of carriage by sea, the value will not be declared or inserted in the Bill of Lading for the purpose of extending the Shipowners’ liability under Article VI, Rule 5 of the Sea Carriage of Goods Act, 1924, except upon express instructions given in writing by the customer. In the case of Carriage by Air, no optional declaration of value to increase the Air Carrier’s liability under the Carriage by Air Act, 1935, Article 22(2) of the First Schedule will be made except on express instructions given in writing by the Customer. In all other cases where there is a choice of tariff rates according to the extent of the liability assumed by carriers, warehousemen or others no declaration of value (where optional) will be made for the purpose of extending liability, and goods will be forwarded or dealt with at owner’s risk or other minimum charges, unless express instructions in writing to the contrary are given by the customer.
- Instructions to collect payment on delivery (COD) in cash or otherwise are accepted by the Company upon the condition that the Company in the matter of such collection will be liable for the exercise of reasonable diligence and care only.
- Perishable Goods which are not taken up immediately upon arrival or which are insufficiently addressed or marked or otherwise not identifiable, may be sold or otherwise disposed of without any notice to the Customer or the senders, owners or consignees of the Goods, and payment or tender of the net proceeds of any sale after deduction of charges shall be equivalent to delivery.
- Non-perishable Goods which cannot be delivered either because they are insufficiently or incorrectly addressed or because they are not collected or accepted by the consignee may be sold or returned at the Company’s option at any time after the expiration of 21 days from the sending of notice to the Customer or to the sender at the address which the Customer or sender gave the Company on delivery of the goods to the Company. All charges and expenses arising in connection with the sale or return of the Goods shall be paid by the Customer. A communication from any agent or correspondent of the Company to the effect that the goods cannot be delivered for any reason shall be conclusive evidence of the fact.
- Except under special arrangements previously made in writing the Company will not accept or deal with any Dangerous Goods. The Customer shall be liable for and shall release the Company from and indemnify the Company against all Loss arising out of or in connection with the delivery of Dangerous Goods to the Company by or on behalf of the Customer or the handling of or dealing with those goods, whether or not the Customer was aware of the nature of the Dangerous Goods. Dangerous Goods may be destroyed or otherwise dealt with at the sole discretion of the Company or any other person in whose custody they may be at the relevant time. If Dangerous Goods are delivered to the Company under special arrangements previously made in writing, they may nevertheless be so destroyed or otherwise dealt with if they become dangerous to other goods or property. For the purposes of this clause, Goods are Dangerous Goods if they are likely to harbour or encourage vermin or other pests.
- Pending forwarding and delivery, the Company shall be entitled to store the Goods at its own premises or elsewhere at the sole discretion of the Company at the Customer’s risk and expense. The expenses that the Company may charge the Customer include all reasonable costs of storage incurred by the Company including insurance of the Goods whilst stored notwithstanding that risk in the Goods will have passed to the Customer.
- The Customer shall be liable to pay all charges in connection with the storage of the Goods arising out of: (a) the Company exercising its lien under these conditions; (b) the failure of the Company to receive appropriate instructions or documentation for the delivery of the Goods within 48 hours of the time for delivery (or at all); or (c) any other event beyond the reasonable control of the Company.
- Except under special arrangements previously made in writing the Company will not accept bullion, coins, stones, jewellery, valuables, antiques, pictures, livestock or plants and the Customer shall be liable for and shall release the Company from and indemnify the Company against all Loss arising out of or in connection with the loss of or damage to those Goods
- The Contract can be terminated by the Company or the Customer upon providing notice of termination to the other if the other Party:
(a) fails to make any payment which pursuant to the Contract it is required to make and fails to remedy this default within 7 days of receiving a written request from the other Party to do so;
(b) commits or allows to be committed any breach or non-observance of any of the other obligations on its part to be performed and/or observed hereunder, and fails to remedy or to take effective action to remedy that breach or non-observance, so far as reasonably practical, within 7 days after being requested in writing by the other Party to do so; or
(c) becomes, threatens or resolves to become or is in jeopardy of becoming subject to any form of insolvency administration or ceases or threatens to cease conducting its business in the normal manner. - Termination of the Contract does not affect or prejudice any rights of the Parties which have accrued prior to the termination. A Party’s exercise of its rights under this clause does not affect or limit that Party’s ability to exercise any other rights under the Contract, at law or in equity.
- If the Customer defaults in any of its obligations under the Contract, including its obligation to pay for the Services or to make any other payment required to be made by the Customer under the Contract, and remains in default for a period of 7 days following receipt of written request by the Company to remedy such default, the Company shall be entitled to terminate the Contract and thereafter take any such steps as may be available to it to recoup any Loss suffered by reason of the default of the Customer.
- If the Customer defaults in any of its obligations under the Contract, including its obligation to pay for the Services, then all amounts unpaid as at the date of that default shall immediately become due and payable.
- The Customer shall be entitled to terminate the Contract if the Company, having contracted to provide the Services, is thereafter unable or unwilling to provide the Services.
- All Goods (and documents relating to Goods) shall be subject to a particular and general lien for moneys due and payable either in respect of such Goods or any particular or general balance or other moneys due from the Customer, the senders, owners or consignees of the Goods to the Company. If any moneys due to the Company are not paid within one calendar month after notice has been given to the person from whom the moneys are due that such goods are detained, they may be sold by auction or otherwise at the sole discretion of the Company and at the expense of the Customer, and the proceeds applied in or towards satisfaction of such particular and general lien.
- Neither Party shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations under the Contract if such delay is due to Force Majeure. If a delay or failure of a party to perform its obligations is caused or anticipated due to Force Majeure, the performance of that party’s obligations will be suspended. If a delay or failure of a Party to perform its obligations due to Force Majeure exceeds sixty (60) days, either Party may immediately terminate the Contract on providing notice in writing to the other Party.
- The Contract is governed by, and shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws in force in the State of Western Australia and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Western Australia.
- The use of a Customer’s own form shall in no way derogate from these conditions the whole of which govern the Contract. To the extent of any inconsistency between these conditions and the terms and conditions of such a form, these conditions prevail.
- The Company shall not be bound by any agreement purporting to vary the Contract unless the agreement is in writing and signed on behalf of the Company by one of its Directors.
- If any provision of the Contract is determined to be void by any court then that determination shall not affect any other provision of the Contract which shall otherwise remain in full force and effect.
- No waiver by either party of any breach of the Contract shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision.
- Time is of the essence in the Contract.
- A notice or other communication connected with the Contract has no legal effect unless it is in writing and sent by post, or facsimile to the address of the addressee set out in the Contract or subsequently notified, the facsimile number of the addressee or otherwise delivered at the address or the addressee set out in the Contract or subsequently notified. A notice will be treated as given and received: (a) if sent by post, on the 5th business day after posting; (b) if sent by facsimile, on the next business day (provided that at the conclusion of the transmission the sender’s facsimile machine issues a transmission report which indicates that the relevant number of pages comprised in the notice have been sent); or (c) if otherwise delivered, upon delivery.
- By instructing the Company to provide Services or continuing to use the Services the Customer accepts these conditions irrespective of whether the Customer returns a signed “Acceptance of Standard Quotation & Standard Trading Conditions – Carriage” or a signed copy of these conditions to the Company.
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